Three Inside Up/Down results

Technical stock screener for Three Inside Up/Down results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low ⇓ Volume
GVH 1.55 +0.12 (+8.39%) 1.6328 1.43 25,833
DFLI 1.12 +0.115 (+11.44%) 1.16 1.01 946,669
KRON 1.02 +0.0372 (+3.79%) 1.04 0.982 249,632
AIRE 0.97 -0.06 (-5.83%) 1.02 0.95 728,048
DXYN 0.91 +0.0455 (+5.26%) 1.00 0.8457 107,794
VEV 0.76 -0.0454 (-5.64%) 0.8038 0.7528 22,356
CDIO 0.73 -0.10 (-12.05%) 0.8399 0.69 652,913
SPPL 0.67 -0.0288 (-4.12%) 0.70 0.6635 24,533
SSY 0.602 -0.023 (-3.68%) 0.615 0.602 2,420
PPBT 0.554 +0.04 (+7.78%) 0.569 0.5011 132,424
SLRX 0.4945 +0.0355 (+7.73%) 0.50 0.461 42,883
POLA 0.4645 -0.0435 (-8.56%) 0.52 0.45 55,450
GLMD 0.405 +0.015 (+3.85%) 0.4059 0.3856 74,926
AULT 0.3849 +0.0299 (+8.42%) 0.4499 0.3564 7,029,833
AFIB 0.059 +0.0109 (+22.66%) 0.0728 0.0415 1,333,166