Price Near 30 Periods High results

Technical stock screener for Price Near 30 Periods High results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 16, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇓ Low Volume
IHD 5.345 -0.005 (-0.09%) 5.345 5.33 11,720
AEF 5.325 +0.005 (+0.09%) 5.34 5.325 56,778
SBT 5.085 +0.05 (+0.99%) 5.10 5.045 64,167
ASPI 4.41 +0.10 (+2.32%) 4.87 4.33 1,745,943
EOD 4.82 +0.00 (+0.00%) 4.83 4.82 133,669
MNKD 4.60 +0.15 (+3.37%) 4.65 4.41 2,435,190
MMT 4.63 -0.01 (-0.22%) 4.64 4.62 36,530
GAIA 4.39 +0.07 (+1.62%) 4.435 4.385 36,632
CMU 3.32 -0.01 (-0.30%) 3.32 3.31 11,769
DGLY 3.19 +0.28 (+9.62%) 3.19 3.18 16,120
SLQT 3.045 +0.105 (+3.57%) 3.135 2.85 1,090,767
LYG 2.74 +0.00 (+0.00%) 2.76 2.74 6,964,283
APPS 2.595 +0.035 (+1.37%) 2.62 2.515 1,171,604
CRDL 2.36 +0.04 (+1.72%) 2.39 2.34 311,106