Momentum Rising Over 3 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Momentum Rising Over 3 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price ⇓ Change High Low Volume
GV 0.27 +0.02 (+8.00%) 0.27 0.2243 585,742
DXF 0.2458 +0.0034 (+1.40%) 0.2546 0.2423 62,282
TKLF 0.2313 +0.00 (+0.00%) 0.2316 0.2111 115,184
LUCY 0.23 +0.014 (+6.48%) 0.2404 0.216 332,105
BURU 0.23 +0.023 (+11.11%) 0.24 0.183 1,187,704
AZTR 0.2264 +0.0065 (+2.96%) 0.2389 0.21 523,602
BHIL 0.22 +0.027 (+13.99%) 0.22 0.1872 718,782
BNED 0.2188 +0.0028 (+1.30%) 0.224 0.21 694,907
SPCB 0.2144 +0.0076 (+3.68%) 0.222 0.208 2,729,091
PLAG 0.1951 +0.0049 (+2.58%) 0.1991 0.185 14,117
OPTT 0.19 -0.011 (-5.47%) 0.2034 0.19 286,155
STBX 0.1702 -0.0027 (-1.56%) 0.179 0.1646 73,312
SNOA 0.156 +0.0029 (+1.89%) 0.1655 0.152 55,928
ZOM 0.1452 +0.0032 (+2.25%) 0.1489 0.1371 8,557,428
BIOL 0.1451 -0.0033 (-2.22%) 0.1498 0.1421 735,646
NLSP 0.138 +0.002 (+1.47%) 0.1409 0.1308 67,139
ISUN 0.133 -0.0044 (-3.20%) 0.145 0.132 841,371
ASTI 0.1027 +0.0031 (+3.11%) 0.1053 0.10 1,899,816
MGAM 0.034 -0.001 (-2.86%) 0.0375 0.031 49,837