MA(20) Crossed Below MA(50) results

Technical stock screener for MA(20) Crossed Below MA(50) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume
TGT 158.04 -0.08 (-0.05%) 160.31 157.81 3,802,181
TRVG 2.41 -0.10 (-3.98%) 2.53 2.40 72,403
TVAL 29.31 +0.13 (+0.45%) 29.33 29.2001 11,747
USCF 27.485 +0.035 (+0.13%) 27.62 27.485 145
VCEL 47.83 -0.05 (-0.10%) 49.00 47.56 345,262
VHI 14.85 +0.14 (+0.95%) 14.9018 14.85 2,723
VOX 130.29 +1.01 (+0.78%) 130.65 129.73 125,721
VRAI 23.5742 +0.1742 (+0.74%) 23.7251 23.51 416
WORX 2.155 +0.005 (+0.23%) 2.245 2.0101 84,996
WST 365.02 -3.44 (-0.93%) 372.79 361.58 447,204
WTMF 36.47 +0.11 (+0.30%) 36.4837 36.35 40,423
XLC 80.21 +0.84 (+1.06%) 80.37 79.56 4,813,180
XPEL 32.07 -0.79 (-2.40%) 33.52 30.75 1,281,663
ZEUS 57.55 -6.13 (-9.63%) 64.15 56.125 145,977