Evening Doji Star results

Technical stock screener for Evening Doji Star results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇓ Low Volume
IONS 41.97 -1.12 (-2.60%) 43.76 41.93 1,375,102
HMN 37.52 -0.33 (-0.87%) 37.92 37.30 225,017
TTGT 28.00 -0.77 (-2.68%) 29.33 27.93 47,551
HLIT 10.96 -0.14 (-1.26%) 11.30 10.91 1,951,982
PCSA 2.17 -0.09 (-3.98%) 2.30 2.15 90,871
TOI 1.07 -0.09 (-7.76%) 1.25 1.03 323,185
NCRA 1.14 -0.055 (-4.60%) 1.19 1.14 436
NA 0.6312 -0.0919 (-12.71%) 0.75 0.5804 508,852