Price Below MA20 Over 10 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Price Below MA20 Over 10 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol ⇑ Price Change High Low Volume
WISA 3.26 -0.075 (-2.25%) 3.51 3.1201 802,542
WKEY 1.93 +0.08 (+4.32%) 1.95 1.83 15,300
WLDS 0.33 +0.007 (+2.17%) 0.3398 0.3101 454,487
WNC 22.47 -0.75 (-3.23%) 23.45 22.22 599,193
WRAP 1.65 +0.075 (+4.76%) 1.74 1.58 267,482
WST 355.64 +1.71 (+0.48%) 356.14 349.00 425,533
WVVI 4.21 -0.09 (-2.09%) 4.36 4.21 1,210
XFOR 0.9284 -0.0313 (-3.26%) 0.96 0.8998 1,973,821
XOP 152.44 +2.03 (+1.35%) 153.09 150.77 3,100,900
XPEL 33.65 -0.13 (-0.38%) 34.84 33.42 153,074
XPOF 8.80 -0.17 (-1.90%) 8.9553 8.53 1,041,910
XPON 2.08 +0.02 (+0.97%) 2.11 1.95 43,900
XRAY 28.28 -0.10 (-0.35%) 28.33 27.71 2,196,800
XRTX 2.4999 +0.0099 (+0.40%) 2.5164 2.3101 7,382
XTIA 1.57 -0.08 (-4.85%) 1.67 1.57 180,945
YANG 6.21 -0.10 (-1.58%) 6.39 6.08 10,939,939
YCBD 0.7155 +0.0055 (+0.77%) 0.74 0.7001 94,657
YGMZ 0.359 +0.016 (+4.66%) 0.389 0.32 527,400
YHGJ 1.20 -0.07 (-5.51%) 1.24 1.20 13,022
YXI 15.43 -0.50 (-3.14%) 15.56 15.38 21,900
ZAPP 1.29 -0.01 (-0.77%) 1.359 1.28 73,500
ZCAR 0.245 -0.014 (-5.41%) 0.269 0.225 679,400
ZEUS 53.12 -2.57 (-4.61%) 56.10 52.92 79,177
ZJYL 3.00 -0.27 (-8.26%) 3.34 3.00 282,500
ZPTA 0.91 -0.0183 (-1.97%) 0.9375 0.865 950,438
ZYXI 10.88 -0.11 (-1.00%) 11.01 10.85 60,707