Morning Star results

Technical stock screener for Morning Star results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol ⇑ Price Change High Low Volume
AXIL 12.00 +0.80 (+7.14%) 12.00 10.5301 1,223
ELSE 4.25 +0.19 (+4.68%) 4.25 4.1249 3,145
GROM 0.59 +0.0227 (+4.00%) 0.60 0.55 14,264
GURE 1.54 +0.0616 (+4.17%) 1.54 1.42 41,149
NEXI 3.32 +0.20 (+6.41%) 3.4899 3.10 37,434
VALN 7.71 +0.284 (+3.82%) 7.71 7.48 1,423
WINT 4.94 +0.61 (+14.09%) 5.5399 4.315 124,783
XBIO 4.27 +0.37 (+9.49%) 4.27 3.814 5,712