Upside Gap Two Crows results

Technical stock screener for Upside Gap Two Crows results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 03, 2024.

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Symbol ⇑ Price Change High Low Volume
AAT 21.51 -0.05 (-0.23%) 22.08 21.24 248,155
ALV 121.38 -0.42 (-0.34%) 123.11 120.78 606,869
ARI 10.05 -0.08 (-0.79%) 10.39 10.02 1,448,893
ATER 2.38 -0.03 (-1.24%) 2.46 2.33 73,606
BCYC 24.58 -0.11 (-0.45%) 25.50 24.53 324,430
BYD 54.12 -0.04 (-0.07%) 55.00 53.82 973,128
CHCO 104.47 -0.29 (-0.28%) 106.24 103.70 60,433
CRIS 16.36 -0.15 (-0.91%) 16.78 16.05 10,608
EBF 20.26 -0.01 (-0.05%) 20.45 20.15 78,751
ESRT 9.30 -0.01 (-0.11%) 9.58 9.23 494,802
INNV 4.04 -0.04 (-0.98%) 4.17 3.90 9,117
IONQ 8.94 -0.06 (-0.67%) 9.31 8.91 3,924,288
NUVB 3.22 -0.05 (-1.53%) 3.43 3.19 894,598
OLP 23.15 -0.08 (-0.34%) 23.5386 23.0099 30,297
PMN 1.96 -0.025 (-1.26%) 2.05 1.90 2,280
SLP 46.70 -0.02 (-0.04%) 47.46 46.50 57,840
SOFI 6.96 -0.03 (-0.43%) 7.24 6.88 56,617,990
SONN 1.8604 -0.0596 (-3.10%) 1.97 1.809 7,518
XPH 40.78 -0.01 (-0.02%) 41.22 40.69 19,725