Golden Cross (50MA cross up 200MA) results

Technical stock screener for Golden Cross (50MA cross up 200MA) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol ⇓ Price Change High Low Volume
VBTX 21.22 +0.38 (+1.82%) 21.53 20.91 298,744
SLDP 1.75 -0.025 (-1.41%) 1.82 1.72 2,856,583
SAVA 23.12 +1.51 (+6.99%) 23.39 21.36 774,568
SATS 17.59 +0.45 (+2.63%) 17.59 16.94 1,100,217
RIO 73.61 +1.685 (+2.34%) 73.645 72.785 3,545,405
PSTV 2.24 +0.05 (+2.28%) 2.32 2.1207 41,096
PMTS 25.69 +0.135 (+0.53%) 26.60 24.95 27,826
PFC 21.30 +0.04 (+0.19%) 21.55 21.055 134,675
PCG 18.60 +0.145 (+0.79%) 18.60 18.4701 12,617,249
OFIX 15.00 -0.11 (-0.73%) 15.17 14.69 305,705
KDIV 28.29 +0.41 (+1.47%) 28.29 28.29 100
KBWD 15.71 +0.07 (+0.45%) 15.71 15.63 208,200
GVP 2.98 +0.09 (+3.11%) 3.02 2.7775 56,317
GTIM 2.75 +0.00 (+0.00%) 2.82 2.7097 25,193
GSBC 53.24 +0.195 (+0.37%) 54.11 53.03 19,404
FXI 29.33 +0.165 (+0.57%) 29.53 29.05 46,257,000
FCF 14.24 +0.135 (+0.96%) 14.38 14.12 368,364
EXPO 95.18 -0.21 (-0.22%) 95.45 94.49 151,883
CWEB 43.99 +0.58 (+1.34%) 44.9968 42.855 476,510
AUR 2.74 -0.04 (-1.44%) 2.80 2.70 6,660,311