MA(20) Crossed Below MA(200) results

Technical stock screener for MA(20) Crossed Below MA(200) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume ⇑
MCVT 2.50 -0.175 (-6.54%) 2.80 2.50 4,912
PHX 3.20 +0.00 (+0.00%) 3.2499 3.18 22,103
NSP 104.21 -1.025 (-0.97%) 106.01 104.17 170,201
GNSS 1.73 -0.16 (-8.47%) 1.94 1.6901 179,332
SRCL 46.53 -0.195 (-0.42%) 46.935 46.48 290,799
SRG 6.14 -0.085 (-1.37%) 6.2601 6.10 665,057
ASO 53.71 -0.68 (-1.25%) 54.6043 53.31 1,177,639
CAH 99.08 +0.40 (+0.41%) 99.40 98.35 1,307,975
SHV 110.32 +0.015 (+0.01%) 110.32 110.31 2,683,172
TPET 0.2796 -0.0047 (-1.65%) 0.2875 0.2638 3,544,286
SUZ 10.16 +0.06 (+0.59%) 10.16 10.01 4,784,025
CLF 17.51 -0.155 (-0.88%) 17.72 17.38 5,140,628