Dow Jones Stocks

These are quotes for all listed Dow Jones stocks which make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average index. This index comprises of the top 30 blue-chip stocks in the USA, with huge global companies such as Disney, Caterpillar, Chevron, Johnson and Johnson and more. The index is calculated on the average rise and all of these Dow Jones constituents, and is a great indication for the overall health of the US stocks market.

Change% Company Price Volume Low High
1.38% MMM 3M Company 132.03 3,978,716 130.10 132.72
1.34% AMZN, Inc 187.00 33,622,483 183.54 187.41
0.38% AXP American Express Company 255.15 2,279,719 252.59 257.00
0.02% AMGN Amgen Inc 330.06 1,590,426 326.41 332.375
0.05% AAPL Apple Inc 222.77 37,376,315 219.82 223.54
1.37% CAT Caterpillar Inc 339.58 1,608,439 333.68 341.04
0.96% CVX Chevron Corporation 139.21 6,593,436 137.42 139.47
1.02% CSCO Cisco Systems, Inc 49.61 13,236,852 48.86 49.64
-0.93% DOW Dow Inc 50.26 5,682,313 49.52 50.91
0.31% HON Honeywell International Inc 204.67 1,945,783 201.87 204.99
-1.43% INTC Intel Corporation 19.36 51,596,961 19.04 19.54
0.82% IBM International Business Machines Corporation 211.61 3,905,694 208.265 212.645
-0.11% JNJ Johnson & Johnson 164.64 4,541,046 162.7101 165.10
-0.30% JPM JPMorgan Chase & Co 206.60 9,055,756 204.89 208.78
0.73% MCD McDonald's Corporation 292.35 2,171,569 288.26 292.67
0.47% MRK Merck & Co., Inc 115.25 8,331,083 114.04 115.505
0.94% MSFT Microsoft Corporation 427.00 17,395,700 419.75 427.37
0.00% NKE NIKE, Inc 78.40 7,186,114 77.53 79.065
1.52% CRM, inc 253.37 5,221,397 249.57 254.14
0.89% BA The Boeing Company 162.77 4,755,698 159.06 163.50
0.21% KO The Coca-Cola Company 71.23 12,340,779 70.655 71.38
0.61% GS The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc 474.06 1,482,197 465.40 474.34
1.06% HD The Home Depot, Inc 374.43 2,368,297 370.56 374.99
-0.26% PG The Procter & Gamble Company 173.47 4,839,752 172.44 174.6111
1.21% TRV The Travelers Companies, Inc 234.11 1,216,908 230.35 234.45
1.11% DIS The Walt Disney Company 89.30 7,179,783 88.18 89.3289
-0.23% UNH UnitedHealth Group Incorporated 588.42 3,395,835 583.21 590.51
0.14% VZ Verizon Communications Inc 43.86 18,392,179 43.43 43.88
0.50% V Visa Inc 285.37 4,161,150 281.47 286.00
1.04% WMT Walmart Inc 79.66 11,550,739 78.63 79.905