Price Below Donchian Channels results

Technical stock screener for Price Below Donchian Channels results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol ⇑ Price Change High Low Volume
WHLR 2.69 -0.6724 (-20.00%) 3.39 2.5123 129,456
WHR 91.38 -0.595 (-0.65%) 93.15 91.19 1,439,468
WNC 22.47 -0.75 (-3.23%) 23.45 22.22 599,193
WRLD 130.91 -0.245 (-0.19%) 131.72 129.6501 37,619
WTMA 10.81 -0.23 (-2.08%) 10.81 10.81 200
X 35.91 -1.435 (-3.84%) 37.355 35.58 6,220,099
XBIO 3.608 -0.082 (-2.22%) 3.93 3.608 1,800
XFIN 11.10 +0.00 (+0.00%) 11.10 10.94 466
XFOR 0.9284 -0.0313 (-3.26%) 0.96 0.8998 1,973,821
XPER 9.42 -0.35 (-3.58%) 9.84 9.35 403,482
XRTX 2.4999 +0.0099 (+0.40%) 2.5164 2.3101 7,382
XXII 1.39 -0.14 (-9.15%) 1.5301 1.39 408,048
YANG 6.21 -0.10 (-1.58%) 6.39 6.08 10,939,939
YGMZ 0.359 +0.016 (+4.66%) 0.389 0.32 527,400
YMAB 11.60 -0.24 (-2.03%) 12.02 11.50 376,368
YXI 15.43 -0.50 (-3.14%) 15.56 15.38 21,900
ZCAR 0.245 -0.014 (-5.41%) 0.269 0.225 679,400
ZKH 11.37 -0.78 (-6.42%) 12.35 11.00 20,892
ZOOZ 2.44 -0.04 (-1.61%) 2.64 2.38 50,987
ZPTA 0.91 -0.0183 (-1.97%) 0.9375 0.865 950,438
ZSL 10.14 -1.42 (-12.28%) 11.14 10.14 2,927,703