Death Cross (50MA cross down 200MA) results

Technical stock screener for Death Cross (50MA cross down 200MA) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume ⇑
RSF 15.19 +0.07 (+0.46%) 15.2499 15.06 14,378
DMBS 48.05 -0.30 (-0.62%) 48.14 47.9901 16,268
ICLK 1.28 -0.01 (-0.78%) 1.30 1.26 22,409
TARK 64.06 +1.43 (+2.28%) 64.48 62.11 28,900
GNOM 10.85 -0.055 (-0.50%) 10.90 10.7867 38,772
CMRX 0.9875 +0.018 (+1.86%) 0.9999 0.95 92,214
PSNL 1.40 +0.005 (+0.36%) 1.41 1.35 156,733
SIGI 97.78 -0.18 (-0.18%) 98.28 96.95 232,525
JMBS 44.44 -0.19 (-0.43%) 44.59 44.44 419,406
LEA 130.68 -0.46 (-0.35%) 131.18 129.53 455,495
FR 48.06 -0.17 (-0.35%) 48.43 47.78 576,973
EHAB 8.25 -0.10 (-1.20%) 8.46 8.185 739,317
APLS 41.31 -0.66 (-1.57%) 42.42 41.16 866,626
CTXR 0.6484 -0.0208 (-3.11%) 0.6728 0.6406 898,728
LSXMA 24.34 -0.32 (-1.30%) 24.61 24.28 987,136
SWKS 93.62 -0.47 (-0.50%) 94.80 92.81 1,572,498
DLTR 117.31 -3.96 (-3.27%) 120.89 117.15 2,307,062
GLYC 0.2994 +0.0183 (+6.51%) 0.31 0.283 2,713,268
DBRG 13.85 -0.315 (-2.22%) 14.25 13.74 3,187,412