In-Neck Pattern results

Technical stock screener for In-Neck Pattern results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price ⇑ Change High Low Volume
FCO 5.99 +0.00 (+0.00%) 6.01 5.8495 37,488
BYND 7.19 +0.00 (+0.00%) 7.65 7.07 2,448,261
OCAX 11.06 +0.00 (+0.00%) 11.06 10.97 209
JRI 11.58 +0.00 (+0.00%) 11.64 11.57 69,500
CDLR 19.70 +0.00 (+0.00%) 20.06 19.50 46,971
QDPL 36.21 +0.005 (+0.01%) 36.2194 36.0801 35,223
TNA 40.30 +0.02 (+0.05%) 40.54 39.87 9,666,782
SCHM 80.48 +0.00 (+0.00%) 80.56 80.24 276,400
BC 81.44 +0.10 (+0.12%) 81.505 80.51 433,498
IPGP 88.61 +0.005 (+0.01%) 88.97 87.8541 213,431
MEDP 393.30 +0.27 (+0.07%) 393.49 386.3272 118,741