Counterattack results

Technical stock screener for Counterattack results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol ⇓ Price Change High Low Volume
TRDA 14.99 +0.03 (+0.20%) 15.34 14.78 104,887
OCAX 11.06 +0.00 (+0.00%) 11.06 10.97 209
LGHL 0.474 +0.0009 (+0.19%) 0.52 0.46 679,912
CATO 5.31 -0.005 (-0.09%) 5.43 5.21 94,506
BDJ 8.29 +0.00 (+0.00%) 8.31 8.29 200,300
AVMV 60.9975 -0.0025 (+0.00%) 61.06 60.81 1,112