Momentum Falling Over 10 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Momentum Falling Over 10 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇑ Low Volume
VCSA 4.165 -0.525 (-11.19%) 4.79 4.16 189,291
LDWY 5.415 +0.1255 (+2.37%) 5.415 5.415 1,438
BSBR 5.45 -0.005 (-0.09%) 5.46 5.39 455,007
QRHC 9.55 -0.14 (-1.44%) 9.90 9.52 43,095
VTRS 10.98 -0.03 (-0.27%) 11.05 10.89 14,009,600
YMAB 11.60 -0.24 (-2.03%) 12.02 11.50 376,368
PERI 12.02 -0.02 (-0.17%) 12.23 11.95 318,334
PEBK 30.16 -0.50 (-1.63%) 30.69 29.84 32,851
JANX 47.10 -0.30 (-0.63%) 47.97 46.79 698,030
AXON 288.79 -1.46 (-0.50%) 292.60 286.68 513,380