Evening Doji Star results

Technical stock screener for Evening Doji Star results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High ⇑ Low Volume
USAS 0.30 -0.0261 (-8.00%) 0.3404 0.30 3,861,332
VCV 9.75 -0.06 (-0.61%) 9.85 9.75 133,200
NPCT 10.48 -0.03 (-0.29%) 10.55 10.47 37,618
FISR 25.31 -0.12 (-0.47%) 25.3742 25.31 18,162
NVDY 26.41 -0.23 (-0.86%) 26.6999 26.26 656,437
NBDS 28.931 -0.219 (-0.75%) 29.04 28.93 6,700
TGRT 32.7775 -0.2275 (-0.69%) 32.96 32.69 74,519
GTO 46.48 -0.16 (-0.34%) 46.55 46.455 113,943
CLS 51.58 -0.83 (-1.58%) 52.80 51.412 1,315,146