Consecutive Winners 10 Periods results

Technical stock screener for Consecutive Winners 10 Periods results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume ⇑
PJFV 66.162 +0.398 (+0.61%) 66.162 66.162 100
CVRD 20.0256 +0.0481 (+0.24%) 20.0256 20.0256 101
SDEM 27.29 +0.35 (+1.30%) 27.29 27.09 2,081
DIVL 20.7887 +0.044 (+0.21%) 20.7887 20.74 25,473
TBLL 105.76 +0.035 (+0.03%) 105.77 105.74 55,883
USNA 48.99 +0.52 (+1.07%) 49.04 48.46 60,377
CURV 6.00 +0.05 (+0.84%) 6.10 5.81 63,004
FRO 27.48 +0.17 (+0.62%) 27.63 27.02 753,341
STNG 81.69 +0.65 (+0.80%) 81.76 79.53 990,571
MINT 100.46 +0.045 (+0.04%) 100.46 100.44 1,323,028
BUD 67.42 +0.945 (+1.42%) 67.49 66.92 1,591,983
JNJ 154.64 +0.31 (+0.20%) 154.86 153.7129 6,521,794
MO 46.08 +0.14 (+0.30%) 46.2492 45.92 9,230,419