Stalled Pattern results

Technical stock screener for Stalled Pattern results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol Price Change High Low Volume ⇑
GGM 27.661 +0.017 (+0.06%) 27.661 27.661 100
FBZ 11.8179 +0.0879 (+0.75%) 11.8179 11.78 852
ISPR 7.19 +0.20 (+2.86%) 7.47 6.98 131,916
DRIO 1.90 +0.005 (+0.26%) 1.9298 1.8409 153,156
NFBK 9.75 +0.14 (+1.46%) 9.96 9.54 176,426
KRNY 6.09 +0.06 (+1.00%) 6.22 5.999 289,373
SWX 77.68 +0.30 (+0.39%) 77.91 76.91 297,444
FLRN 30.80 +0.005 (+0.02%) 30.80 30.79 301,494
ITGR 120.92 +1.94 (+1.63%) 121.14 118.75 356,774
AVRO 1.39 +0.005 (+0.36%) 1.41 1.33 548,745
NVRO 11.40 +0.22 (+1.97%) 11.65 10.80 868,763
CWK 11.72 +0.06 (+0.51%) 11.81 11.57 1,841,810
WDAY 257.93 +1.39 (+0.54%) 259.48 256.29 2,018,500
DHR 265.80 +0.77 (+0.29%) 265.94 263.20 3,187,399