Price Crossed Above MA(200) results

Technical stock screener for Price Crossed Above MA(200) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 17, 2024.

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Symbol ⇑ Price Change High Low Volume
TUP 2.20 +0.55 (+33.33%) 2.395 1.56 25,039,740
TWO 13.03 +0.05 (+0.39%) 13.08 12.935 890,204
TYO 14.6384 +0.1884 (+1.30%) 14.6497 14.5501 11,426
TZOO 8.27 +0.03 (+0.36%) 8.60 8.23 85,115
UROY 2.74 +0.085 (+3.20%) 2.77 2.64 1,513,148
VHC 4.61 +0.175 (+3.95%) 4.85 4.5512 15,706
VNAM 16.9152 +0.1552 (+0.93%) 16.9999 16.83 8,857
WAVD 2.80 +0.43 (+18.14%) 3.065 2.80 39,136
WAVS 10.88 +0.11 (+1.02%) 10.88 10.88 0
XIN 3.97 +1.22 (+44.36%) 4.25 3.11 784,500
ZGN 13.19 +0.41 (+3.21%) 13.22 12.69 474,606
ZKIN 0.7499 +0.0603 (+8.74%) 0.7499 0.68 22,801